Monday, October 6, 2008

What's Under the Fridge

This evening Micah lost his "favorite" toy under the fridge. (Meaning the toy that he is playing with at this moment.) So got out the yard stick to dig it out. Guess what else we found.....
Check out that dust bunny! We have only lived here for 2 years! I can't imagine what it will be like when we actually have to pull the fridge out for some reason. Micah was so thrilled becuse we found his "favorite" race car! Check under your fridge and let me know what you find! :)

1 comment:

Alice said...

That is really cute. However, I don't want to know what's under my frig and we have only been here for 2 months. We do have 2 cats and a puppy though so anything is possible. Aice