Tuesday, October 28, 2008


For those of you who know our history, you know that both of our kids have had tubes put in their ears. Micah was the easy one. He would get an infection, spike a temp, we would take him to the doctor and get the needed antibiotic. Eventually he had tubes and that was the end of that. Becca on the other hand hasn't been so easy. She actually probably had her first ear infection for weeks before we took her to the doctor and got things figured out. She doesn't run a temp at all when she has an infection and that makes things a little difficult. She too had tubes, but even now that the tubes have fallen out she continues to have fluid on her ears.

For the past several nights she had been waking up in the night and fussy. (I don't particularly enjoy getting up in the middle of the night - no matter how much I love the one needing assistance.) Now this is not normal for her and so I thought that she probably had an ear infection again. Took her in and there is no infection, but the fluid continues to be issue and now it is concern that it might be affecting her hearing. The doctor recommended that we keep an eye (or ear) on things and if it doesn't appear to be getting better we should go see our ENT. Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but at least there is no infection for the moment.

As a side note the doctor flushed out one of the tubes that was laying in Becca's ear canal. I had always wanted to see one. I posted a picture of it just in case your child has tubes and you have wondered about the size of the just like I have! :) (It is the little blue thing between the paper clip and safety pin - tiny!)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hey, Michelle! Thanks for your comment on our blog! You obviously understand the world of ear infections all too well. I'll pray that Becca's fluid issue resolves itself without any harm to her little ears. (Thanks for the picture, too. Even though I don't have a little one with tubes so far, I've always been curious about what they really were.)