Sunday, October 26, 2008


Yesterday the kids and I went outside for a little bit of yard work. I decided that even though some of my annuals had some green on them that I would cut them back. Last year we got caught with snow before we got them cut off. I didn't want that to happen again this year. The kids had a great time playing in the few leaves that had fallen and "helping" mommy. Here is a picture of them having fun together.

The togetherness didn't last very long and Micah went off to rake his own pile. This is the first fall that Becca has really been able to enjoy and been able to play in the leaves. She had so much fun throwing them around and just playing in them. Here are some pics of her just enjoying herself and being Becca.

Unfortunately the wind has really picked up today and it feels way to chilly for this time of year. Some of the gusts we have had would probably knock one or both of the kids over! Glad we got outside yesterday!

1 comment:

Jake and Thereasa said...

We do enjoy keeping up with your family through the blog. Lots of fun coming up -- trick or treat, snow, and who knows what else