Sunday, October 19, 2008

Spray N Wash

Yesterday Nick had to work in the morning and so I thought that I would be a nice wife and make a decent lunch (better than hot dogs or PB&J) for him when he returned. So I decided to make a meatloaf. The making of the meatloaf was just fine, it is what happened during that time that is of interest.

Becca had been up on the counter "helping" me to make the meatloaf so when it was time to make the sauce I let Micah help me out. Becca was not in the kitchen and was busy doing something, what she was doing I didn't know, but I wasn't to worried. Micah was busy stirring when Becca comes around the corner of our kitchen looks at me and starts crying. I turn to see what is wrong and see that she has something spilled down over her head, down her face and on to her clothing. I tell Micah to stay put and snatch her up and run to the bathroom. As soon as I pick her up I recognize the scent of Spray n Wash (the only cleaner that I keep under my bathroom sink). I rush her to the bathroom, strip her down in record time and stick her head under the runny facet - she was not very happy with me, but laundry detergent in the hair takes some serious rinsing to get out. I tried to flush her eyes out a little bit, but it didn't work to well and apparently she didn't get much in her eyes and mouth as she seemed to be fine once we got her all cleaned up. From what I can tell is that she pulled the Spray N Wash out, opened the bottle, dumped it over herself, put the lid back on and came and found me, all before she started crying. Crazy girl.

The Spray N Wash has been moved to a higher location. :)

1 comment:

Carey said...

At least she's clean...LOL!