Friday, January 2, 2009

Papa's Shop

Nick took today off of work (YIPPEE!!!) and was at home with us today. In the afternoon he decided that he would take the vehicles over to my dad's shop (he is a tractor mechanic) to change the oil in them. Only very recently my children have discovered what a great place Papa's Shop can be.

Micah went with Nick first thing and later Becca and I brought over the other vehicle. Now I have never seen Micah at Papa's Shop while he is actually there because he usually goes over with either grandpa or grandma and they bring him back home when he has at least been "blown" off (the loose dust blown off of him with the air compressor hose). When I arrived at the shop there was one dirty, dirty, dirty little boy running around "helping" This is what I arrived to.....

I love the fact that he has such a great time at Papa's Shop. I can remember many Saturdays and Christmas vacations that were spent over there and now I know how dirty we were when we came home. Thanks Dad for creating more great memories for my son!

Here is also a photo of Micah and Becca in a tractor wheel.

1 comment:

Carey said...

I just LOVE it, too, when my hubby takes a day off! CUTE pictures of the kids and wonderful memories. Happy New Year!