Friday, January 30, 2009


The boys went a basketball game so it was just us girls at home tonight. We had us some girl time! We painted our toenails and brushed each other's hair! Doesn't get much girlier than that! Here are a couple of pics of our girl time. (We also did a Dora puzzle, played with the baby doll and read some books.) Here are our pretty, but cold toes!

Becca seemed to struggle with the idea of mommy taking the picture and being in it at the same time. I couldn't get her to look at the camera! She was probably trying to figure out what to do with my hair!

Have no fear Micah got in out the stylin' bit yesterday last night when the kids had fun with their first temporary tatoos. We had been to the Pizza Ranch a few weeks ago and the manager gave the kids these tatoos. They are pretty interested in how long they will last! (Micah was quite proud of his funny face in this pic.)


Alice said...

Those mommy daughter times are awesome. Lydia and I did that too when she was younger. Now she thinks she can do it without me and she actually does quite well.

Carey said...

Hey Michelle! Finally taking some time to catch up. Wonderful memories that you "girls" made together. Oh, and Tye has the exact same tatoo on the exact same place!! Too funny!!