I am finally getting around to posting again. I can't believe that it has been a week since I last posted.
As in many other households life has been crazy and unusual. This week has found some of us running crazy, some sick, some wedding planning, some stuck at home, some working and some sleeping!
Let me explain. Like many other we have been stuck inside a lot due to the weather. Micah was supposed to have preschool 5 days last week and didn't go any of them because of the weather and the school bus's in
ability to get down gravel roads. Then it turned so cold that we barely wanted to even think about leaving the house let alone let the kids outside to play. Hence the running crazy (the kids are bouncing off the walls and eachother) and the stuck at home bit.
Nick has taken sick once again with what we think is CMV. CMV is a mono-like virus and the only cure - sleep. Difficult for all. Nick is trying to work a fairly normal schedule, but is going to bed way before I am ready to go at night. Last time he had CMV it took him about two months to get over it. We are desperately hoping that is not the case this time. Please pray that he will return to full health soon. Hence the some sick, some sleeping and some working.
I was able to spend quite a bit of time with my sister this past weekend helping her with some pre-wedding things. (Thanks to my in-laws who helped watch the kids and let Nick get some rest.) Her fiance has been in Kansas City doing some training for their time that will be spent doing missions work. So in other words she was lonely and needed someone to take her mind off the fact that he was gone! We spent some time in Des Moines and some time at a Bridal Fair. It was a great time of talking and bonding! Hence the some wedding planning.
I am hoping that the weather turns nice and that health returns to all normal soon. Can anyone tell me if normal exists any more?
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