Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Here are some recent pictures of the kids. They have been doing some cute and crazy things lately. In fact to many to post, but here are a few that we have caught pictures of.

Here is Micah enjoying his shredded hash browns with cheese and ketchup. He came up with this on his own, Nick and I tried to discourage him, but he was insistent and he ate the whole mess of them! He is doing his "cheese and crackers" smile.

Becca is feeding the animals in Noah's ark some of her fruity Cheerios. Here the parrot is really enjoying his meal!

Here is Becca horsing around on the couch in the basement. She seems to be enjoying herself!

Micah is proudly wearing his new stocking hat that we purchased at the Peoria Christian School Bazaar & Auction. He is so excited because that is where he is going to go to kindergarten. (He wishes that he was going to kindergarten tomorrow.)

Becca sometimes tries to sit/lay in the doll cradle that her Great-Grandpa Van Maaren made her for her birthday. Needless to say she is a little to big for it!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures!

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