Thursday, November 20, 2008


I have been plagued over the last few days with indecision. I just can not determine what we (I) need to do. Just when I think that I have determined the best course of action, I start second guessing myself. My problem is that I can not predict the future when I really wish that I could. I know that there is a good reason for not being able to see what God has in store for us, but there are times when I would really like a glimpse into the future so that I know what to do now. I guess that you could also say that I am having a hard time leaving this decision in God's hands and let him take care of it. Seems like I have that problem a lot.....

1 comment:

Carey said...

Praying for God's wisdom as you make this decision. Grace for yourself in possibly making a mistake and peace that God is in control.

Oh, and that you can leave it in His hands. That's a daily battle!