Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving Thanks

Our church holds it's Thanksgiving service on Wednesday night before Thanksgiving. It is a really relaxed service in which there is an open mic time for members to go up and share what we are/have been thankful for over the last year.

This afternoon I told Micah that we could go up to the front of church tonight and share what he was thankful for. He was all excited and kept asking about it all afternoon and evening. When the time came and we went up front this is how it went...

Michelle: I hope that there isn't an age limit on those who can share. I told Micah about the open mic this afternoon and he wanted to come up and share.

Micah: I am thankful for my friends, my skidloader and my toys. (Yes he actually said it like that)

I proceeded to talk a little bit about how with the media and all the bad news that it is easy to forget that we have lots to be thankful for and I was thankful for my two small children who constantly remind me of the little things to be thankful for. I was telling the congregation that the thank God for completely random things (like story book characters, etc.) The whole time I was talking Micah was pulling on my pant leg.

Michelle: Do you have something else that you want to say?

Micah: Yes. I am thankful for um... uh.... um... ah.... I am thankful that we get to go home.

Michelle: As I said completely random things...

The congregation burst into laughter and we quickly took our seats. I am thankful that my four-year-old is not afraid of microphones and is already trying his hand at public speaking!

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