Thursday, February 7, 2013

2 year old talk

At Olivia's 2 year well child doctor visit I expressed some concern to our family doctor regarding her speech.  We visited about it for a little while and then he examined Olivia and discovered that she had an ear infection (other than being crabby she had displayed no symptoms).  This started a journey of 4 (known) ear infections in 2 months and a set of tubes in her ears. 

The tubes have been in her ears for a little more than 3 weeks and I can already see an improvement in her speech.  She is quicker to repeat what you say and I think that daily she says words that I can't remember he saying before.  Needless to say, I am thrilled!

I know that our other two said things that I found darling, but Olivia has a way of shorting words and creating her own little "language" that I find just darling.  Here are a few of her "words" and their translation.

Moo-Moo  - not a cow, but a movie
My Pill-Pill - not her medication, but her Pillow Pet
Aa-Aa - her little stuffed sock monkey that she received for Christmas

I know that there are many more, but of course I can't come up with them now.  Maybe I will think of them later and have to add them! :)

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