*** Yes we are still tired of winter and wish that it was over. Our biggest concern right now is that the public school that my sister teaches out be done by June 12. We have a family vacation scheduled!
***While Micah's progressive schedule hasn't been very progressive (missing to many days!) he is enjoying school. It was a little rough after Christmas, but we are doing much better now. I am constantly amazed by how much he picks up! His class is currently working on memorizing Psalm 100. It is a blessing for me to hear Scripture from my 5-yr-old!
***We have taken up doing puzzles to pass some of the winter doldrums. The kids have really enjoyed putting theirs together and are getting quite good at them. They even try to help with with my 300 and 500 piece ones. If you have any puzzles that you would be willing to let me borrow I would appreciate it!
***I am still enjoying clipping coupons and finding a good deal! Several friends have also join me and we clip for each other! It is great! Saving a few $$$ is always a good time for me! I am always looking for new ways to save, so if you have ideas or websites please pass them on! I would love to hear about your ideas!
***I finally finished a projected that I started a long time ago. It always seems that I purchase a part of a project, but then it takes me forever to get it finished. This wasn't that big of deal, but I had to have my hubby cut the wood and then my grandpa cut the pretty edge and then it was the priming and painting and then getting up the courage to put the words on! However I am quite pleased with the outcome and it is a nice addition to the bathroom!
I hope that you are all staying warm and healthy during this winter fun! LOL!