Friday, December 5, 2008

Snow, Candy Canes & Cookies

Sounds like a great Christmas post!
On Wednesday we got some more snow. Enough snow that the kids and I were stuck at home all day, no where to go, nothing planned and really nothing exciting for the kids to do. It was a long day...for mom at least. However I was able to get the kids outside for awhile and they loved the snow. In fact they cried when it was time to come inside.

Micah brought Grandma Across the Street (my parents who live across the street from us) her mail today. As a thank you grandma gave him a little for him and for his sister. I am thankful that they were just little ones as it took them forever to eat them and well, let just say it was a little messy for the younger one. You really can't tell in this photo, but it was dripping of her chin and all through her hair as well. Thanks Mom....

The church fellowship group that we belong to decorates Christmas cookies every December. The past two years we have had conflicts so it didn't work. It also didn't bother me because baking the sugar cookies and actually decorating them is not my thing. My mom never did it and so isn't something that I particular like to do or even really know how to do. I cheated by buying the Pillsbury dough and I don't even own any cookie cutters. I couldn't get the dough to roll out with my rolling pin, no matter how much flour I used, and cutting shapes out didn't go very well. So I decided to just form some circles with my hands. No knowing how big to make the circles I ended up with some very large cookies. (The kids watch a Veggie Tales movie that talks about "Food as big as your head". I think that my cookies might qualify.) Hopefully the few smaller ones that I made will work for the decorating party on Sunday.....

I actually have a ton more photos that I wish I could post, but I don't want to overwhelm everyone. I feel like I post way to many pictures. Of course it is hard to pick when you have the most wonderful, beautiful children in the world! LOL!


Carmen said...
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Carmen said...

You could never post too many pictures! The snow looks great but I'm loving our 60 degree T-shirt weather we had here this weekend.