Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Second Children

I have always felt a little bad for 2nd (and 3rd, 4th, etc) children. It seems as though sometimes they don't get the attention that a first child gets. I felt this way before we had children and now even more that I have my own 1st and 2nd. Not that the 2nds are loved any less, mind you.

Examples: 1. We have way fewer pictures of Becca than we do of Micah.

2. Becca's firsts (crawling, steps, words, etc) are exciting, but not quite as exciting for us as Micah's were because they are our second experience with first. (Follow that? :) )

3. Nearly everyday when trying to do something with just Becca, Micah jumps in and believe that he needs to be included as well. So that one on one time quickly turns into one on two time! :)

4. Every time you ask Becca to do something, Micah quickly jumps in and does it for her because he can do it faster or better.

So... Today Micah was at preschool and Becca woke up early from her nap. She was being so good, playing by herself that I broke out the camera and got her to pose for me. All of these thoughts went through my head and I took a few extra minutes and just talked and snuggled with just her. Here are the pics. What a beautiful 2nd child we have been blessed with!

As side note....
I just want to express thanks to everyone who has been praying for us or has expressed their condolences. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated. We ask that you continue to pray for us as we continue to work through this both physically (On top of everything I have come down with a nasty cold.) and mentally. Thank you so much - each of you are a blessing to us.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I know what you're saying!! It is hard parenting multiple children. There is no being "fair." The most important thing is that you teach your kids to know and love the Lord. You are setting a great example for them to follow!You have two awesome kids and are great parents!