Sunday, September 14, 2008

New School, Happy Birthday & Monkeys

Crazy title - I know, but there are some neat pictures that I would like to post and they cover a wide variety of topics!

Micah is going to preschool throught the local public school. The school district was able to secure funds from several grants to provide a free 4-year-old preschool and add on to the current K-12 building. They have been working on the building (which is just up the hill from our house) in the hopes of having is completed by November. This is big stuff for all the preschool kids and they all enjoy going and checking out the progress. Nick took the kids up the hill to look at the progress earlier this week. Doesn't look like much yet, but since this picture was taken they have put the roof on along with other advancements.

It was Grandma Ver Heul's 81st birthday this past week and we had a little birthday party for her on Saturday night. One of the main reasons that we moved back to south central Iowa was so that our children would know their many grandparents (they have 11 living grandparents). Events like this make us thankful that we moved back. Nick's grandparents live for the moments that they are able to see the kids. This is a picture of Becca and Grandma snuggling. (I am sure that Grandma went to sleep last night with a smile on her face.)

Micah loved to play with the Barrel of Monkeys that we have. He often time gets frustrated because he can't get them hooked together like he would like. Tonight however he hooked all the monkeys together all by himself. He was so thrilled! It was really neat to watch him how to figure how to hold on and figure how to add the next monkey. Here is a picture of his accomplishment!

And here is another picture of Becca just being Becca. Right now she is difficult to get good pictures of so I thought that I would post this one!

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