Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One of Those Days

Today was one of those days that you just make you feel emotionally exhausted. I had blood work done again today to see where my hormone levels were at. They were back to normal which means that the pregnancy hormones are out of my system. It also means that we have to wait until I cycle normally before we can try to get pregnant again. While that is what we had expected it is still just another reminder that there is no little life growing. Sometimes it seems that if the reminders would just vanish it would be easier, but then again some of the reminders are our greatest joy - our two beautiful children. I am thankful though that our heavenly Father knows all and has a plan for every life, mine, yours and the life that we will not know know on this side of heaven. I just need to remember that every moment of every day....

1 comment:

Carey said...

Hey girl! Getting behind in my blogging buddies and catching up. Praying the last few days have been better. Hang in there!