Wednesday, October 17, 2012

How Old Do You Think I Am?

Micah has been reading some of my favorite childhood books - The Mandie Books.  These books are set in the early 1900s and have prompted lots of historical questions and some interesting discussions.  One discussion was as follows:

Micah: Mom, how come in 1901 it took people so long to get dressed?

Me: Well, for one thing they didn't have zippers and elastic back then.  Everything was buttoned or used hooks.

Micah: Ohhhh.....

Me: They also wore more layers than what we wear today.  Especially the women.  They had to wear tights/panty hose, then pantaloons, then several layers of petticoats and then they could put their skirt on.  And that was just their bottom half!  They had several layers for the top half as well.

Micah: (Understanding setting it....) I get it. (Moment of silence.) So, did you have to dress like that when you were a girl, Mom?

(A moment of silence, filled with that look of "I can't believe my child just asked if I was 100 year old!")

Me: Micah! How old do you think I am?!?!

Micah: (Smile filling his face) I guess you are not that old, are you?

Me: Right, buddy. Right.

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