Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ladies - Can you relate?

I came home from work on Monday and my daughter announced that she could "snap".  I asked her if she meant her fingers and she said no, her pants.  Now this would be wonderful because there have been many times when I have not realized that her "snap" was undone and her jeans would fall around her ankles.  (Not that she cared.  She thinks it is fun! :) )  So I asked her to show me.  The next few moments would leave me laughing at my dear daughter.  These photos were not taken at that moment, but rather this morning.  However they look just the same.

Now, ladies, how many of us can relate to the battle with our blue jeans?!?!  (or any article of clothing for that matter.)  Holding our body and our hands just so, so that the jeans fit or so that they look just right.  It made me think of this post by fellow blogger Andrea (to which I can completely relate).  Why must be battle so?  I hope that this is a short-term problem for Becca.

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