Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Heavens, no, there are no baby chickens at our house!  But there are baby chickens in Micah's classroom.  Micah has been talking about the eggs and when they would hatch.  Well this was the week.  Monday morning we heard that they were starting to hatch and by yesterday afternoon the classroom was filled with the chirping of 27 baby chicks.  Since Micah had been talking about them so much Becca was all excited as well and HAD to see the chicks.

So I took her to school today.  It seems like everyone is enthralled with the baby chicks in the kindergarten room.  My kiddos just loooooove them and it was hard to peel them away so that the teachers could go to their meeting.  Here are few photos of the encounter.

I was so surprised that she reached right in and tried to hold them.  There was a few that got dropped and squeezed, but I think they will be alright. :)  She actually thanked God during prayer at both supper and bedtime for the little chicks!

A bunch of scared chicks!  At one point there were 5 kids (ages 18 mo to 6 yrs) all trying to touch and hold them along with several adults laughing and watching! :)

Much thanks to Micah's teachers for allowing us to come and see the baby chicks.  And even more thanks that we don't have to bring any home! LOL!

1 comment:

Carey said...

How cool!! Tye's class had "the chicks" in his room for part of a day. He LOVED it. I'm with ya, though. No chicks in my house....they turn into chickens!