Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Wow! Three posts in one night! Making up for lost time, I guess.

However, I can not let the night go by with out mentioning that today is also Nick's and my wedding anniversary. 8 years ago Nick and I were married on a hot and steamy August afternoon. God has blessed us greatly and we eagerly look forward to the future together to see what God has in store for us.

I wish that I had a great photo of Nick and I to post here. It seems that once upon a time we had all kinds of great photos of us and now 8+ years later the most recent one is probably a year old! :) (However, the photos of our children are up to date! LOL!)

I love you honey!


andrea said...

add a WEDDING picture!

Carey said...

Happy Anniversary, and Happy Birthday, Becca! Catching up a little on your blog. Vacation looks like it turned out fun! Praying things are settling down now and life isn't so overwhelming. It's hard when things are so crazy!