The kids had their check-up/well-child doctor appointments today. It always amazes me when the doctor goes through his list of age-appropriate tasks. Most of the time my kids have accomplished every single one of those tasks. Today was much the same, but what surprised me was how well behaved and cooperative the kids were for the doctor.
They answered the doctors questions and actually made small talk with him (Micah asked him who was his favorite race car driver. LOL!) My little girl who never sits still, sat perfectly still while the doctor examined her. My little guy flinched only a little when the doctor burned/froze a wart of his hand and then cried on for a little bit when he had to have 4 shots (stopped crying as soon as stickers were offered).
I was so proud of the kids that we went out for ice cream and had a grand time while we ate it.
The bigger news (real evidence that our little guy is growing up) is that Micah has had a loose tooth for the last couple of weeks. Micah and I went to the dentist about 3 weeks ago and the dentist pointed out that his lower front teeth were a little wiggly (barely moving, but they were). Well, Micah has been telling everyone about it and had been messing with it quite a bit. Add on top of that a few round of sweet corn and that tooth was moving quite a bit, but not ready to come out.
Remember the carrots that we planted in the garden? Well we picked a few more last night. (I was planning on doing a post about the big, the little and the strange with this picture of the carrots, but I think it fits here as well.) See that big carrot on the left? Well it was at least an inch in diameter and that is the one that Micah picked to eat tonight at supper. A few bites on the side of his mouth and then a bite with those loose front teeth.
Needless to say, one of the teeth did not survive the carrot and came loose. Panic ensued as Micah had no idea what was happening, he was crying and carrying on until he got to the bathroom and could see what the hole in the bottom row of his teeth. Then it was all laughter and giggles.
This last picture really has nothing to do with loose teeth or doctor's appointments, but it is really cute. This is how Nick found the kids on Sunday afternoon after their naps. The didn't sleep this way, but it sure was cute to hear them laughing and giggling together (even though I was trying to sleep!)
1 comment:
Your children are growing up way too adorable. Hope the tooth fairy left something good! :)
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