Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend Fun

Seems like I always struggle with what to do with our weekends.  Should we have fun and relax or should we be productive?  Such a struggle for me, but this last weekend was a weekend of fun.

Nick got off work a little early on Friday and we headed out for dinner and a movie.  The kiddos were with Nick's parents and they spent the night which meant that I was finally able to get a full night of uninterrupted sleep.  (This isn't happening much these days because Olivia has taken to talking in her sleep and her favorite word to say is "Mommy!")  Nick and I watch the movie "42".  It was a good movie even if you are not a baseball fan.  I was surprised because really the only bad words in the movie were racial slurs.  Given the topic of the movie I figured there would be a lot of profanity in it.  It was a nice surprise and it was a nice evening out with my hubby.

Saturday morning found Nick and I hustling to be productive before the kids returned.  Once they got back then it was hustling everyone to change clothes and get freshened up so that we could head to the Amana Colonies with my parents to see a children's play at The Old Creamery Theater.  We watched "The Life and Times of the Three Little Pigs".  The kids LOVED it and were excited to met some of the actor/characters after the play.

 Waiting for the show to begin.

 With the Wolf.

 With the Middle Pig

 Olivia was so interested in the little pig that we couldn't get her to look at the camera.  She was facinated with the nose and eyelashes.  (Truthfully they kind of freaked me out a bit.)

We then spent a little bit of time walking through a furniture store in the Amanas (beautiful items!) before heading to the Ox Yolk Inn Restaurant for an early supper to celebrate Nick's birthday.  Our waitress generously offered to take our picture and we took her up on her offer!

Sunday was pretty normal until suppertime when Rebecca's 2nd front tooth fell out while she was eating supper (I think that she has last all of her teeth while eating....).  She was excited and couldn't wait until the Tooth Fairy arrived. Only the Tooth Fairy must have missed our house last night. (Oops!) Hopefully we made it on her list for tonight!

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