Monday, February 1, 2010

Saving Money In a Different Way

So you are all thinking. Why on earth is she posting a picture of a booster seat on her blog? Has she gone of the deep end? This really isn't anything exciting. At first glance it may not seem that exciting until I tell you that I got this booster seat for Becca for FREE!!! Yes, FREE!!!!

Now you are all curious, right? For the last several months I have been Swagging! (Yes, it is a legal activity.) I registered with the website SwagBucks and I use their search engine every time I want to search for something on the internet. (You use it much like you would Google.) The only thing is that everyone once and awhile when you are searching you get a SwagBuck (or maybe 2 or 3 if you are lucky). You collect several SwagBucks and after time you can turn them in for great prizes or gift certificates. 45 SwagBucks will get you $5 to Amazon. I turned in enough SwagBucks to have $25 in Amazon gift certificates and I got this booster seat for free!

This is something that I would have had to purchase because both of the kids will need one at the same time. I could have spent $15 on your bottom of the line booster at Wal-Mart, but instead I got this name brand one for free! Just by doing what we all do anyway on the internet - searching!

If you want you can check them out a little bit more. I have posted their info on the side of my blog. I would also be happy to answer any questions you might have. There are a few hoops to jump through, but they are worth it in my mind! Free stuff is always great!

Besides the packing material works as a great source of entertainment! We traced the kid's bodies tonight on the huge sheets of packing paper. They are lovin' it!

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