Friday, February 12, 2010


Last weekend my aunt and uncle invited us to a Women's Basketball game. Micah who is taking after any kind of sport these days was thrilled!!!! He didn't care what sport it was or if it was boys or girls playing - it was the HAWKEYES! LOL!

We knew the weather didn't look the greatest, but we went any way hoping that maybe this time the weatherman was wrong (have they be wrong yet this winter?!?!?!)

It was snowing lightly during our drive there, but we made record time and made it to the game. The game was a ton of fun. Micah loved watching the game and Becca tried her best to keep her eye on Turkey (aka Herky). Becca was not a big fan of Herky and in fact when I took her to the bathroom during the game she needed to verify that Herky wasn't going to come in the bathroom while she was there. LOL!

It was great to watch the game with my aunt and uncle and to catch up with them a little bit. We enjoyed some pizza at their house afterwards and watched about 20 mins of the SuperBowl before we decided that we had better head home. There had already been at least 2 "incidents" on the hill in front of my aunt and uncles house and it was still snowing.

The ride home was a little more stressful due to the snow. The kids feel asleep and that made it a little easier to concentrate on the road and the other cars. It took us a little bit longer to get home, but not to bad. We were thankful that it wasn't blowing, otherwise we probably would have been stuck in Iowa City for the night.

Thanks, Retha and Ray for a great afternoon/evening. The kids are still talking about the Hawkeyes and Becca is still a little concerned about Herky! LOL!

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