Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It has been way to long since I have posted. Life has just been so busy around here! I can hardly imagine what the holidays will bring!

Here are a few photos to catch you up on the going ons at our house!

Yes this is what I discovered in my basement this evening. My entire family playing on the "skins" team! Apparently the boys got hot from playing basketball and so they took their shirts off. Becca thought it looked like fun and join the crowd!

Micah has been learning to read in school and it is amazing to me how fast he is picking it up. He now is picking up books that we have read to him and is picking out words that he can sound and figure out. This afternoon he was tucked up in his top bunk reading away.

While Micah was reading in the kid's room, Becca was sitting on the pile of blankets in our bedroom "playing computer" as she puts it. You would have thought she was working on an important spreadsheet!

Now here is a sneak peak at our Christmas card! Let's just say it was a little challenging!

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