Friday, May 10, 2013

The Start of A Season

Three days after it snowed we were out at the baseball field for Micah's first little league game of the season. (Crazy, I know.)

His team has been practicing for a month (between rain and snow) so the season really started a month ago, but a schedule that involves all of us just started this week.  He will play approximately two games every week from now until the 3rd week of June.  Rebecca will also start T-ball at some point so our schedule will be full of ball games for the next 6-weeks or so.

I had to take my turn in the concession stand the night of Micah's first game so I didn't get to see much, but it seemed like the boys were having a good time and it looks like we will be in for a fun season again.

Play Ball!
 This is the first year that we have played with paid-umpires.  It caught me a little off-guard and then I remembered that Micah had moved up a level again this year.

 All ready at first base.

Racing back to cover the bag.

Batter up!

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